

Our Design Philosophy

We know there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to every challenge, but we are experts in design thinking which gives us a process to take a creative approach, and explore possibilities to create elegant and delightful solutions to real business and design challenges.

We provide a range of design, UX and research services, from early stages of research and discovery, to late stages of product development and design. We also bring cutting-edge knowledge of the latest HCI practices and machine learning. Our diverse team draws on knowledge from backgrounds in behavioural sciences, fine arts, new media, and interactive technologies. We apply techniques beyond the industry standards, from human centred design, affective computing, situated interaction, multisensory design, and adaptive gamification, among others.

User Centered Design

We know that good design starts with the user and that’s why we have built our design process around the best practices of user-centered design methodologies. From the smallest to the largest projects, we have a very clear design process that allows to dream up creative solutions, while also delivery concrete products that genuinely address your users’ needs.


In the first phase we figure out where you are, where you want to get, what exists and how to get there. Some crucial Business analysis UX research Technical requirements Team composition

UX Research; Requirements; Business Analysis; User Profile; User Flows


Based on the parameters we Discovered, it’s time to get creative and divergent. We explore different directions, alternatives, and find the most appropriate solution.

Brainstorming; Co-Creation; Design Space; Scenarios; Storyboards


It’s time to bring the concept to life. We iteratively create and develop the solution until it meets all the requirements, and maybe even passes some initial tests.

Task Flows; Visual Design; Wireframes; Rapid prototyping


Once the project is complete, we give can provide additional user testing and support. We are ready to continuously test and develop as your needs and users evolve.

User testing; Quality Assurance; Tech support

Interested? Get in touch and let’s start a conversation!

UX Research

Our UX research packages come in pre-made sets, customizable sets, or an entirely custom service. Pick what you need and we’ll handle the rest! We offer research design, participant recruitment, user testing, emotion recognition powered by machine learning, quantitative and qualitative analytics, and a design proposal.

Research Design

What type of a study would fit best to your goals? Card-sort, interview, survey, think aloud, evaluative methods, or perhaps a combination of several? We’ll help you decide.

Participant Recruitment

Finding the right people to test your software is difficult and time consuming. We’re experienced in sampling and studying participants the right way.

User Testing

If you already have a participant sample and just need us to conduct the testing.

Emotion Recognition

We’re pretty proud of this one – we use a machine learning algorithm that detects emotions from the participant’s face when they’re using your application. The recognised emotions can then be used as a basis for future design decisions.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analytics

For interviews and think aloud sessions, we conduct thematic analyses and emotion capture techniques to give you the important insights. For surveys and numerical data, we conduct descriptive statistics and further statistical testing if feasible.

Design Proposal

We offer an evidence-based proposal for your new and improved design, applying HCI principles from the Instrumental Interaction Model and Dilemma-Based Design.


  • Research Design
  • User Testing
  • Analytics

10 Participants


  • Research Design
  • User Testing
  • Analytics
  • Design Proposal
  • Participant Recruitment
  • Machine Learning

10 Participants


  • Let us know what you have in mind!

Emotion Recognition – AI-Powered

We offer a service to analyse video recordings for emotional expressions via AI and machine learning. We’ll then annotate and crunch the output data into statistics and deliver you a report. 

Accurate Customer Reactions

Our service can be used to better detect and automate customers’ and test users’ emotional reactions to marketing messages and products. The result is more accurate, AI-powered analytics that can be used for better customer acquisition and user experience, leading to more profits.

Extra Knowledge

As extras for the base service, we also provide user research services where we’ll recruit and record the test sessions. In addition, for product research we offer a Dilemma-Based Design proposal based on the emotion capture from the video feeds. The Dilemma-Based Design concept taps into the user’s internal dilemmas and provides an integrated solution for it. The resulting design drives user retention through a human-centred approach.

The Emotions We Track:


Tier 1

  • Annotation of video files (up to 5 videos/participants)
  • Emotion analysis (3 Emotion Comparisons)
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Report

Tier 2

  • Annotation of video files (up to 12 videos/participants)
  • Emotion analysis (6 Emotion Comparisons)
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Report

Tier 3

  • User/Customer recruitment and recording
  • Annotation of video files (up to 30 videos/participants)
  • Emotion analysis (9 Emotion Comparisons)
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Report
  • Dilemma-based design proposal

AR and VR Development

We specialised in Virtual and Augmented Reality during our studies at Université Paris-Saclay – the hotspot for European XR research. Our work for VR and AR includes a collaborative VR Smart City planner, an AR body-part shopping experience, and an EMDR therapy design for VR – not to mention the secret projects we’re currently working on!

A Rich Palette of Interactions

  • Locomotion / Teleportation
  • Grabbing / Throwing Interactions
  • Snapping Object Interactions
  • Moving Interactables
  • Multiplayer
  • UI Elements
  • Audio
  • Online Support
  • … and others on request


We’ve been developing VR for Oculus and AR for Android phones so far but we’ll fearlessly tackle other platforms as well. Our knowledge of good design for mixed reality transcends brands and manufacturers. Let us know what you preferred platform is and we’ll handle the rest!

AR Graphic Ad

  • A static or animated AR model appearing on a surface
  • Great for eye-catching brand or product visibility

AR/VR Prototype

  • A prototype for your game, app, or online store
  • Has basic functionality, interactions, and graphics
  • Can be expanded to a full app

Full AR/VR App

  • A market-ready app
  • Full functionality, interactions, and graphics
  • Publishing assistance provided on request